I was under the impression that they was no cure for autism. But this story at unioneagle.com entitled "They fought autism and they won" says otherwise.
It's a story of the Vranas and what they did to help their autistic son, Aaren. He started out as a normal baby until 9 months of age. After that, his development changed. He talked less and less. He also screamed and cried and didn't want to be held. These are some characteristics for autism. Later the Children's Hospital confirmed he was on the autism spectrum.
His mother, Diane, was devastated. She put her energy into doing research. Below are some of the things they did:
- Used a program called the Son-rise Therapy Program, through the Autism Treatment Center of America, Massachusetts.
- Created a special playroom for him and recruited volunteers to be with him in the playroom.
- Put him on a GFCF (gluten free casein free) diet. It didn't make a big difference but it helped a bit.
- Nutritional supplements such as peanut butter balls with digestive enzymes
- Chelation treatments to get rid of the heavy metal toxins
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