Essential Guide to Autism Review

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Could Your Child Have Autism?
In Under 3 Minutes I Guarantee To Reveal How To Recognize 5 Signs Of Autism
And Which Steps To Take Next.

"What are early symptoms of autism? I have a 2 year old child and I think she is autistic. Her speech is very limited and she likes to bang her head and rock. She loves to stare at wheels, whether it's car wheels or stroller wheels. She don't respond when we call her name. It's like she lives in a world of her own, starring into space. Are these characteristics for autism?"
"My son was just diagnosed with Autism. I'm really scared and heartbroken. I feel lost and confused at this moment. There just seems to be so many questions that needs to be answered. What do I do next? Will he be like this for the rest of his life? Are they sure it's Autism or am I just in denial? I really need someone to guide me through this."
Do either of the above sound like you?

Facing autism is difficult, especially in the beginning. If your child has yet to be diagnosed and you suspect something is amiss, you wonder if it really could be. You hope not but then what if it is? You ask yourselves if these are really the signs of autism.

And if your child has been just diagnosed as autistic, you are struck with fear and panic. Millions of questions race through your mind. What must you do now? What autism treatments are available? Where can you turn for help?

Well, here is your help.
Get a copy of the Essential Guide To Autism

One thing all parents with autistic children will tell you is to learn up on the topic as much as possible. As you arm yourself with more information, you'll find the disorder becoming less mysterious and overwhelming.

Essential Guide To Autism is packed with information on autism symptoms, treatments and tips to get you through this tough journey. The book is written by Rachel Evans who has also walked in your shoes before. When her life was touched by autism she did not know where to turn or who to believe. She understands your plight and turns over to you now her many months of research that will allow you to diagnose and manage Autism.

Click here to get your copy of the
Essential Guide To Autism.

PRICE: USD 37.77
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1. Essential Guide to Asperger's Syndrome
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Autism News

My Child Is Autistic - What Next?

Posted by Lola at 11:33 PM

Discovering your child has autism may be a distressing ordeal, and unfortunately, time is of the essence. As a parent, you do not have the time to consider why or how this happened, only what to do next. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone in your struggle. By researching the disorder and finding others going through similar situations, you can help you child while still dealing with your own emotional response.

Join a support group for parents with autism.
You can find these by contacting the national Autism Society of America. From there you can find local branches, many of which offer support groups for parents and families with an autistic child. Being in contact with other parents in a similar situation can not only help you feel less alone, but it can provide you with a myriad of resources. A parent support group will also help point you in the direction of the best doctors, intervention programs, and workshops for both your child and your family.

Find a support group for any other children you have as well.
Many parents forget that they are not the only ones who must learn to live and communicate with an autistic child. By locating a support group for your other children, you can help them from acting out or acting against the autistic child by teaching them about the illness. As a parent, you must create a supportive environment for the entire family in order to properly manage your child's illness.

Consider marriage counseling.
An autistic child can put serious strain on a marriage, leading to escalating arguments, neglect of each other, and even perhaps blaming each other for the situation. Marriage counseling from the very beginning can help a couple through this discovery and rough transition, and help build a better supportive environment for your children. Your marriage should not end as a result of having an autistic child, but the sad fact is that many of them do. Prevent this by using one another for support and by understanding that you may need help to deal with one another now and in the future.

Most importantly, start on the path to becoming an expert.
Many times pediatricians or psychiatrists are not experts on autism, which can lead to improper diagnoses or incorrect treatment options. As your child's best advocate, you must know everything you can about autism. Parents of Autistic Children can be a great resource; this organization offers training and workshops. Invest in good information such as The Essential Guide to Autism. It's an e-book that you can download. This guide book on autism is a quick access to comprehensive information that you need to know. As always, remember that a support group of parents with autistic children can always provide you with books and research that focus on the reality of the situation. Educate yourself and those around you to provide the most beneficial things for your child-love and guidance.